Amulet Group of Companies - full range of security services

Amulet Group of Companies - full range of security services

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Press about Amulet
Business Intelligence magazine
2006 Issue ¹ 20

"Àìóëåò" - áåçîïàñíîñòü áèçíåñà, îõðàíà, þðèäè÷åñêàÿ ïîääåðæêà
Russian Bank Association Bulletin, N32-33

A.S. Krylov is Director of Amulet’s Inter-bank Security Service, holds a candidate of sciences degree.

We have always protected banks

In 1991, Russian Bank Association officials approached several Interior Ministry officers requesting them to work out a bank security concept. The concept authors later founded the Amulet Security Service. Today, it is taking a leading position on the security services market. (…)

(…) The community of security services has for a long time observed a kind of charter that stipulates certain cooperation patterns, above all rejecting the use of force, intimidation and pressure. Even if banks are competitors, their security services persistently seek cooperation as the security of one bank cannot be ensured without cooperation with other security services. (…)

(…) There is also a problem of cooperation between private security services and state law enforcement agencies. Believe me, Amulet Security Service experts and their colleagues from other security firms are entirely open to cooperation with the law enforcement agencies. (…)

(…) Our clients’ interests and Amulet’s reputation have always been of premier importance to us. We may let negotiations drag on for months to avoid shootouts. Even in the event the client is wrong, my job is to put the settlement of mutual claims on a legal track, i.e. let the court of law decide who is closer to the truth. (…)

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